THE THOUGHTFUL DRESSERIt’s been forever since I’ve written a book report and I’m only 1/3 into the book but I’m really enjoying  “The Thoughtful Dress” by Linda Grant and it’s making me think about clothes (even more than usual).  I am becoming more aware of how we all communicate with our choice of dress. And Linda says that it’s okay to think about clothes and to like clothes and how we always have liked self-adornment.

Frequency illusion is the phenomenon or illusion that once you become aware of something you suddenly see it everywhere. I have become aware, once again of that we send messages through what we wear.

Yesterday, on a whim, I went to Coletterie, the blog of Colette Patterns, and I saw the post “Wardrobe Architect” about discovering your own unique style. We are so influenced by ads, TV shows, Pinterest, friends and strangers that how do we really know what we like for ourselves and what we just admire? Sarai, the author and owner/founder of Colette Patterns has put together a worksheet that you can download to help you discover your own style. I found it interesting and then I did it and found it to be even better than interesting.

Currently I find myself in a transitional time in my life when I approach an emptier nest, a little more disposable income and a body that I didn’t have when I first fell in love with clothes. I find myself wanting to think, really think about what I am buying or making for myself, and to make every dollar spent on clothing and hair count for something. I feel too old for trendy trends, and too young for coordinating separates from the department stores. I know that spending a little time on figuring out my style is going to pay off in personal satisfaction when I look in the full length mirror.

I recommend spending time on your personal style too. Aren’t you tired of seeing yourself coming and going? Or feeling like you’re not in the club? Time to get out of that rut and show everyone your style. It’s yours, all yours. Own it.

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