Forget googling it. It’s right here. A list long enough to keep you looking busy for hours.

disclaimer: I have not bought or tried patterns from all of these companies so I can not vouch for the drafting and instructional quality of all of them. This list focuses on women’s patterns and patterns still available or pattern companies that were very popular once and therefore can still be found secondhand

Is your favorite pattern company missing from the list? Comment below and let me know who.

Are you ready? Let’s go

11 Comments on My (so-far) Comprehensive List of Independent Sewing Pattern Companies

  1. Wow! What a list. I can’t believe you did all this Thankyou! I’ve reached a decision lately. I’m so tired of putting PDF patterns together, unless they are “free” or to ship off to a pattern printing company; I will not bother anymore. My collection has gotten out of hand now and the PDF patterns I do have left to put together will be finished by the time I’m 80. All fashion comes back around, right? So now I buy McCalls, Sew Chic, which always fit; or Gerties’ Patreon I joined years ago for a mere 10.00 a month. Not everything she offers get shipped off to the pattern printing. I love Mood free patterns, although they can run larger. And recently for F a Friday pattern, I only had to put the little bodice together. Maybe I’ve gotten lazy, maybe short on time, I do know I could have made a mint had I taken out stock on PDF. Thanks a bunch Mary!

    • I hear you. I really dislike putting pdf patterns together and I dislike having to trace out my pattern from 20 different size lines. – Or trace it out period. What happen to the time when we just cut right into the tissue pattern? Oh, I know, patterns went from $5 to $22!!! (plus the cost to have it large-format printed) Personally I stick to the big 4 and Burda plus Itch to Stitch, Sinclair, and Lisel + Co. Currently, I haven’t much time for personal sewing but I’m trying to make it more of a priority (like over watching TV, cooking, laundry 😉

  2. What a collection! Big thanks, so helpful.

    I can add sistermag patterns and Maison Fauve, both provide elaborate and feminine patterns.

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