
Is there such a thing as a wearable muslin?

Wearable Muslin?

How do you feel about wearable muslins? It’s a thing in the sewing community to make your first attempt of a garment in a slightly, what? cheaper? less-liked? fabric in case it doesn’t work out. After that first attempt, you’re supposed to work out the fit and construction details and sew it up in the […] Read more…

Take a look around The Daily Sew's sewing room

The Sewing Room

I’m very grateful to have a space in the house I can leave my machines up and ready, that I can dedicate entire pieces of furniture to storing sewing notions and patterns, and that I can call my own even though the door stays open and the dog sleeps under the desk. After two artist […] Read more…

The Heartache of a Broken Sewing Machine

Suddenly I am alone. Not the kind of alone I chose or even anticipated but the shocking, sudden abandonment that came out of the blue and has left me dazed and a little confused. No, my family and friends are all fine. It’s more personal, that only another sewist, like you, would understand. My fairly […] Read more…

Sewing for Endorphins

  Earlier this week my local quilt shop hosted a charity sewing event. I think it was the highlight of my week. It wasn’t that it was a morning sewing with others in a fabric store, no less, which could easily be the highlight of a typical week for me. No, the highlight was what we were doing that […] Read more…

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