Did you miss April’s Awesome newsletter? It’s all about Knits; My best tips and some other tips too 😉 You can view it here Read more…

Happiness Through Sewing
Did you miss April’s Awesome newsletter? It’s all about Knits; My best tips and some other tips too 😉 You can view it here Read more…
Cut right angled corners (or strips which can then be taped together at a right angle) from solid tag board or paper wide enough to visually block out the fabric extending beyond the area of focus (the area inside your frame). Mine are two inches wide (5 cm) and that’s probably the minimum width you can have […] Read more…
Some of us grew up in a household where sewing happened frequently and so we picked up a lot of sewing knowledge without trying. Some of us first learned how to sew through scouts or a middle school Home Ec class where we may or may not have paid attention to the teacher. And some of […] Read more…