
The Use It Up Fabric Challenge Update

It’s been five months since I started my No-New-Fabric-Purchases-For-A-Year challenge. The rule is simple; use as much of the 256 pieces of fabric in my stash. To make all those things I intended to make when I bought the fabric or make something else. It’s time to stop consuming and start creating. So far, I […] Read more…

Stop Buying. Start sewing.

We’ve all heard jokes about uncontrollable fabric shopping and overflowing fabric stashes. We’ve laughed at them with a knowing cringe for certainly all of us are guilty of buying fabric we didn’t have a need for just because we loved it. And almost as certainly all of us have done it more than once. The […] Read more…

Fringing Fabric

  My daughter needed a skirt but it’s never that simple, is it? She needed a skirt that covered her knees, was lightweight enough for humid summer weather and, of course, it had to be a style she would wear. I thought if I took her to the mall that finding the skirt would just […] Read more…

fabric grains explained

Getting Fabric Straight

Why does it matter if the fabric you’re about to cut is lined up or trued or squared? And wait, what does that even mean? Fabric is made of threads and woven fabric (as opposed to knit fabric) is woven from threads. The looms are set up with lengthwise threads (the warp) and thread is […] Read more…

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