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Happiness Through Sewing
Did you miss The Daily Sew’s March newsletter? Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the next one. Read more…
What kind of paper should you use for pattern making and altering patterns? Well, technically, any kind of paper would work but different types of paper have different qualities and some papers are just better for pattern making, drafting, altering and/or tracing. In the video, I show you some of the more popular types of […] Read more…
It Starts With Envy: Up until recently, my sewing supplies were semi-organized in drawers, and bins, and shelves and I was content. Sure things would hide in the back of the drawer, slip down to the bottom of the bin, or fall off the shelf. That’s just how the world works, a little natural disorganization, […] Read more…
Do you ever think you know what you’re doing and then mistake after mistake your confidence slowly erodes away and you think, geez, I’ve been fooling myself and everyone else. I know nothing. My hand is raised. This happened to me, surely more than once in my life, but definitely recently when I realized that […] Read more…
How many clothes do you have in your closet right now? If you’re typical you would say your closet is too small for all your clothes. Did you know we consume 60% more clothes annually than we did even 10 years ago? It’s the era of disposable clothing. Worn today, trashed tomorrow. When garments […] Read more…
Why was I, after adjusting a pattern for fit and putting time into my sewing, still ending up with garments that were not quite right? I couldn’t quite figure it out and it didn’t happen every time but it happened enough not to be one bad pattern or one cut off grain fabric. If anything […] Read more…
The most important piece of sewing equipment I own is my sewing machine (I mean, we are talking sewing equipment) but the second most important, most appreciated and maybe the most used sewing tool I own is my cutting/ironing/work surface/table. Yes, it is all of those things and yet it is only a cheap door […] Read more…