It’s good, they say, to review your day, and/or your week, and month, and, at the very least, your year. It’s something I’ve not really done, but am beginning to see why it would be a good idea to acknowledge what you did that worked for you or what was even so brilliant it surprised you. And of course, to also check in with what you could tweak to be better or maybe what you should just outright ditch because it isn’t worth your time.
So here is my short list of what worked for me this last year and what didn’t work so well.

YouTube – I upped my video game. I made a lot more videos last year for The Daily Sew while learning about and improving the light, sound, and editing. Making videos is a fun way to teach sewing and for many of
A Menu – Even though I’ve always planned what to make for dinner a week at a time, I’ve always resisted the suggestion from my husband to make each day of the week a particular meal. “How boring”, I thought, “There’s no way I can only eat 7 different meals” but seven meals are better than no meal as I struggled to plan what we would eat for the week. So I decided to try it for a month.
It’s been four months now of easy menu planning, easy grocery shopping, and easier evenings in the kitchen. I gave each day a category, Sunday is soup, Monday is
It’s not that boring after all. The categories lend themselves to what produce is in season, and some days are switched with each other just because things come up.

A Sewing Friend – A friend and neighbor, who doesn’t sew, connected me to a fellow neighbor and friend of hers who does sew. Meeting someone, a bonus that she’s walking distance away, who sews clothing has been really great. We show and talk over fabric, patterns
A Meditation App – I know, I know, meditation is like the new fad, but really and truly, I find Insight Timer, a free app, to be just what I need when I need to be less worried, less anxious or more relaxed. It has guided meditations listed by genre and by time. I have a sleep meditation and a few start-the-day meditations bookmarked as well as a middle of the day, I-need-a-reset meditation.
And What Didn’t Work?
Being inconsistent – Not posting regularly, not sending out newsletters regularly, ignoring Facebook for weeks on end, this didn’t feel good. Being inconsistent is probably a weakness in character, or it’s a sign of high distractibility. Consistency is a big thing I’ll be working on in 2019. If you have any tips please send them my way.
No Morning Routine – Being the free bird I am I enjoy reading with breakfast, I like getting the kitchen straight before I go to my office, I like a cup of tea but I really can’t stand that before I know it it’s noon and I haven’t brushed my teeth yet. I get so defeated when I look at my planner and see I didn’t do what I wanted do,

Buying Patterns – There are too many patterns and not enough time. I know this is a fact because I have patterns in every garment category, some purchased years ago, that have never been used. I obviously do not need to buy any patterns for quite a while. I will be doing a clean sweep of some of these uncut patterns this spring so be sure to get on my email list to know what will be available and when. (They’ll be free because you don’t need to buy any pattern either)

Vogue 9253 – This was to be the dream dress. Expectations were high; Very Easy Vogue meant easy project, I read Tessuti’s take on what to change to make it even better, and I wanted to wear it to a wedding.
Yeah, it didn’t work out as I thought. It wasn’t fast going (that was probably on me), I followed Tessuti’s alterations but should have left the sleeves alone. My plan was to make one up in some older blue linen, then make a second dress, learning from the first, in a beautiful wine red color for the wedding
I wore the blue dress at the wedding because I ran out of time to make a second dress. But I thought the dress looked fine so I packed it. Then I saw a picture of myself at the wedding and I thought, “uh… that looks a little sloppy”. So, 🙁 that didn’t work.

In sewing, as in life; You win some and you lose some.
Hope your 2018 was full of learning moments and some fun highlights. And here’s to 2019 – may we learn even more, and remember what we have already learned.
What were some things that worked for you?
Hi Mary. I would have to say my “time out” basket helped me to give my not so great project a place to go so I’m not staring at it constantly. I used to never start another project until I finished one, but sometimes the vision I had in my head doesn’t match what’s going at the machine, haha. So I gave myself permission to just let go. Sometimes a dress becomes a top, or sometimes it goes straight to the trash. Reorganizing …I know I thought I was organized, but as I keep bringing new things into the sewing room, I have to make more room, or get rid of something that I really don’t use anymore. I mean really …do I need to hold on to those shoulder pads that I keep hoping will come back in style…. I hope I can keep this up. I wish you lived closer, I’d love to sew with you. Happy 2019. Zonya
lol, I have a few shoulder pads in my stash too.
I really like your idea about a time out basket. But I also like the discipline to finish one project before starting another (I don’t have that). I guess you have to know when you’re done with something either because you actually are or because you’re done with it for now or because you never want to see it again 😉
Reorganizing is really good too. Really taking stock of what we have will help us, save time, money, & sanity. If we know we have elastic of a certain size we won’t waste time and money buying it. If we know what we have we probably also know where we have it. It’s when too much stuff piles up that things get harder to find.
Great ideas, Zonya. Thanks. When are you moving to Asheville? 😉
Hi Mary,
I really liked this post. Two things you shared really resinated with me. One was inconsistency and the other was morning routine. My life was so much more fulfilling when I put boundaries in place for myself. I stumbled on your blog after searching for silhouettes for scoliosis. I work as a Disability Fashion Styling Expert and I know from personal and professional experience that no one rule works for everyone, also after 27 years following clothing and retail trends for people with disabilities and as a congenital amputee missing digits on my right hand and feet, I know trying on a garment is the best way to determine what works and what doesn’t. Recently I had a photo shoot with someone who has a seated body type and lives with scoliosis. I like your suggestions so I’m going to share your article on my blog Cur8able with a link to your page. Thanks for what you share.
Being easily distractable is my struggle. I try to set routines, but then forget them 😉 I’m glad you added to the conversation. It’s an encouragement and a reminder to keep trying.
What you do, and your blog, are awe-inspiring. Everyone should visit it https://www.cur8able.com/ How wonderful you found your gift and are able to share it. I’m honored you are putting a link to my blog on yours and I will certainly do the same.
Hi Sewing friend! Back on my ash jeans! So glad we have each other to bounce ideas and fit off of! Looking forward to your next post!
I’m ignoring my Ash Jeans. 😉 But am also inspired by your persistence.